Friday, January 13, 2006
I wear very little make-up, mainly because I can't be arsed to, but also because I'm hopeless at applying it. Never mastered the fine art of drawing a neat black line along my top lashes.
So I figured I'd follow John Gustafson's step-by-step guide to applying eye make-up. He promises to teach even the most mascara-phobic amongst us (that would be yours truly) "How to get gorgeously sexy, smoky eyes without resembling a hooker on a bad day, caught in the rain!"

Sounds good, innit. Well, I tried it. And I ended up resembling a hooker on a bad day, caught in the rain. Without an umbrella. Ambling out of the cinema after watching some tear jerker. I'll spare you the pics.

Then I tried my hand at the paint-by-numbers diagram, which should be idiot-proof.

Must mean I'm worse than idiot.

So here's the final result: and the pic is crappy and blurry too, for the usual reason (my bf stole my camera è_é Had to use my phone)

OK, OK, I can do better than this. I know. I'll try harder.

Oh, and that is NOT an actual dark circle. I do get my beauty sleep. It's just the lighting and the crappy camera.
posted by Ilaria K. at 1:10 AM |