Thursday, December 29, 2005

Things are looking up. My job interview in Milan went remarkably well: I'll talk to them again in January, to determine which publishing house in the group I'm going to work for, but so far so good. I will be in Milan starting 1st March. I'm flat-hunting already.

In the meantime, I'll be spending a nice, cosy NYE with some of my closest friends. I've always hated Christmas and Christmas presents, preferring instead to give something to charity and ask my friends to do the same. This year though, I've got some hand-made presents to give. And even BF and I exchanged presents! Unbelievable. I'm still not sure I agree with the rampant consumerism thing. But hey, let's jump on the bandwagon just this once.

I should be studying now. I'm not. Instead I'm praying for my computer not to crash down again. Hope it holds out till March, I need it. Then when I'm in Milan I'll get a proper broadband internet connection, and maybe (maybe) I'll get a PC instead of this laptop.

I've seen King Kong (kewl! definitely not a cinematic masterpiece, but cool nonetheless) and now I'm obsessed with Naomi Watts' hat. You know, those cloche hats, sooooo late 20s, bell-shaped? Hers was grey. I need one I can wear with my brown tweed Zara coat. I'll be popping into Accessorize when I'm in Bologna or Milan. [Edit: I've found a pic!] In the meantime I'm still wearing my burgundy trilby.

And I've seen Memoirs of a Geisha, and I NEED a dress made of kimono fabric. Something subtle, something wearable. Maybe Mango? Etam, possibly? Zara?

Can you see a pattern emerging here? Every film I see spurs my shopping addiction to new levels of consumerism. And then I complain about Xmas. Bah. Bah Humbug, all the same. Thank god Christmas is over this year, too. 360 Xmas-free days ahead.

posted by Ilaria K. at 11:48 AM |


At 1/02/2006 02:36:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

zara. definitely zara.
I'm pretty sure here they have a couple of hats like that...! :D waiting for you *;;;;;*


At 1/02/2006 09:05:00 PM, Blogger Ilaria K.

Oh kewl, I'll go and have a look then, cheers! Keep waiting for me honey, just a couple of months left now :****


At 1/04/2006 02:12:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

I want two Naomi Watts cloche hats! Very much and very serious! Do you know where I can look? Thankyou!!!!!!! Sheila


At 1/04/2006 12:00:00 PM, Blogger Ilaria K.

Depends on where you live! The shops I mentioned are European brands/chains.

Still no luck with the cloche hat. Looked for it in Accessorize, but to no avail. I've made a point of trawling the whole city centre over the weekend. I'll keep you posted.

And please, by all means let me know if you find one!!