Monday, November 07, 2005
Well, I must. For one of our uni courses, which will take place in December, we'll be requested to translate from both our second and third language. My third is supposed to be French, only I can't actually speak it, I can barely read it. So I'm going to devote two hours a day, starting today, to reading and doing vocabulary exercises. I can only hope we get a global pass/fail mark on both languages, so my English can make up for my French. God help me. >_<
posted by Ilaria K. at 9:27 PM |


At 11/08/2005 09:13:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

aaaaaaaaa you can barely write in english! *;;;;;;;*


At 11/08/2005 09:18:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

Thank you very much indeed, puh. °=°