Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I fell in love with Polly's shades (how stylish is she? and her boyf? I remember her from the Handbag forums). Imagine my joy when she told me they were from H&M, and I had a trip to Milan planned for the following day. So:

Went to H&M.
Found them (in black).
Tried them on.
Got laughed at by my best friend.
Reluctantly placed them right back on the rack.

they are HUMUNGOUS. I looked like an oversized fly crossed with Ali G. Sadly, my face, like the rest of me, is too thin.

What a shame, they were gorgeous AND only 5.99 euros. Polly was so kind as to offer to send them over to me. But alas, they really don't suit me...

posted by Ilaria K. at 7:17 PM |