Sunday, July 16, 2006
(Now with punctuation.) Oh fuckety fuck. How much worse does it have to get, before it starts getting better? My back is killing me, my head aches, I have no motivation, no drive. I'm wrapped in one big, messy bundle of uncouthness. Can't be more specific, not until next week. I can't even count the days till December, doesn't bear thinking about. What's a girl to do? Just get up each morning, drown her sorrows in something that vaguely resembles coffee, try and keep a smile on her face, try not to be swamped by the enormity of it all.

All this, what for? Don Quixote, windmills and all that jazz. If I'm still where I am now in a year's time, just shoot me.
posted by Ilaria K. at 8:48 PM |


At 7/17/2006 03:31:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

"If I'm still where I am now in a year's time, just shoot me."

You know, I said the same exact thing about my life three years ago *sigh*. And have been saying it every day since. Lucky for me, no one took the "shoot me" part literally. :)

Ok, I suck at cheering you up.


At 7/18/2006 10:03:00 AM, Blogger Ilaria K.

Yes you do. But keep trying :)


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