All of the American websites we contacted linked to BadTaste and our story on the alleged filming in Italy; even Leaky, who chose not to answer our email but to contact WB directly (and that goes to their credit!), actually took the time to link to us properly when debunking the rumours.
Of which I, while still being a delusional H/Hr shipper blah blah blah, am grateful.
Then we got linked by just about every other HP website in Italy.
No, sorry, I phrased that badly. All other Italian sites reported our news, and some of them didn't link to us or cite us in any way.
At BadTaste, we make a point to cite ALL sources religiously, because, as I said, it's common decency. It was one of our readers, the lovely Whaks, who alerted me to that article in the newspaper. I think he deserves credit.
My 2 cents. Feel free to hurl abuse at me, for all I care.
Link: the latest HP news at BadTaste, in English and Italian

At 6/13/2006 05:21:00 PM, Ilaria K.
Not quite, also because I'm only half-Italian.
And it's not a conspiracy I'm complaining about - it's just that about once a month, I wake up in the morning hating the guts of my fellow countrymen. Because a law, in this country, is never an absolute. It's, "Ok, the law and netiquette say we should be doing this, but in actuality, who cares? What are the chances we'll get found out? Do we risk anything? No?Why bother being honest, then? Stupid people are honest."
That's Italy for you.
totally agree.. socially inherent virtues are rare .. there is a quote in the Count of Monte Cristo about the difference between french and italians and the law .. Italians being barabaric and corrupt and the french being concerned with liberty and Justice.. although it was written by Dumas who was a bit of a french tosser ... were people just as dishonest 100 years ago than today?, if so then i guess its a question of culture.. I look forward to the first italian loss in the world cup ..hehe.. im not so anti-italiano as i sound. :)