Monday, November 21, 2005
My book (*) seems to be shaping up nicely. I've had the cover printed today, and had a four-page sheet printed again because I'd had to correct a spelling mistake. D'oh. Six copies ready. All I have to do now is sew, sew, sew and glue, glue, glue.

(Had to blur out my surname, you know how it is, internet weirdos and all that.)

(*) "My book" is actually a book I'm making from scratch for an exam (I'm doing a post-degree course in publishing). I wrote it myself (it's a history of women's fashion, 1930-1970). Did everything in Adobe InDesign, printed to PDF, and took it to a typographer just down the road. The sewing and binding must be done by hand, and we must do it ourselves. May the gods have mercy on me.
posted by Ilaria K. at 7:33 PM | 4 comments
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Had my hair dyed a bit darker. Frankly, I'd become yellow: the situation called for drastic measures. The colour now looks slightly more natural, if you ignore the jet-black eyebrows (mmmh, I need to do something about that). And I had it done at Jean Louis David! Cheap'n'cheerful. A big thumbs up from me. Am in dire need of a haircut, though.

posted by Ilaria K. at 6:00 PM | 75 comments
Proofreading my own book. Still, it has to be done.
posted by Ilaria K. at 10:21 AM | 0 comments
Thursday, November 10, 2005
I hate writing my CV.

hate it.

hate it.

hate it.

  • Work experience: none, unless you count my work for BadTaste and my stint as a waitress at the town fair. >_<
  • Foreign languages: English - good; French - DIRE.
There's room for improvement. Had I been born in any other European country, I'd have graduated at 21 and now, at the ripe old age of 26, I would have a proper job. And a pay packet. Grrrr.
posted by Ilaria K. at 11:57 PM | 0 comments
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Vodka, like, tastes good. It does, like yeah.

posted by Ilaria K. at 8:44 PM | 0 comments
Monday, November 07, 2005
Well, I must. For one of our uni courses, which will take place in December, we'll be requested to translate from both our second and third language. My third is supposed to be French, only I can't actually speak it, I can barely read it. So I'm going to devote two hours a day, starting today, to reading and doing vocabulary exercises. I can only hope we get a global pass/fail mark on both languages, so my English can make up for my French. God help me. >_<
posted by Ilaria K. at 9:27 PM | 2 comments
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Why another weblog?, you may (or may not) ask. Simplest answer: my thought processes are quite different in English. I think and speak and behave differently. I'm a different person. So I figured I needed a different blog. Weird though it undoubtedly is, that's the way it is.

I might occasionally double-post, translating things back and forth between here and my italian blog. If you can read both languages, please check both sites frequently, as I plan on updating often.

Yeah, right. I couldn't be arsed to update my only blog, what makes me think I'll manage to keep them both up? I can only promise I'll try.
posted by Ilaria K. at 1:29 PM | 1 comments