Monday, December 25, 2006
Next person who texts me to say "Merry Xmas", I'm gonna shoot them.

Now, let me get back to work.

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posted by Ilaria K. at 6:23 PM | 0 comments
Sunday, December 24, 2006
May God Almighty have mercy on us. Italian TV has been colonized by Paris Hilton. (That's tantamount to shooting the Red Cross, basically.)

Here's a commercial for mobile phones featuring Paris, sporting the most hilarious accent ever. Apparently, most Italians love to hear their language butchered beyond recognition by foreign celebrities.

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posted by Ilaria K. at 10:30 PM | 0 comments
Thursday, December 21, 2006

I haven't bought new shoes in four months, but we're almost there. It'll soon be mine.

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posted by Ilaria K. at 9:54 PM | 0 comments
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Possibly (and if so, luckily) for the first time in my life, I have come to think nobody actually gives a flying fuck about me. Nobody can be buggered to remember I exist, it would seem, let alone actually bothering to HELP when help's needed. Nobody can be arsed to ask ME about ME. Instead, they find it far easier to go and ask less irritable people (i.e. people who are less likely to shout at them) what's up with ME.

Oh well, their problem. I'm long past (a) caring, and (b) Kindergarten.

See? I make my rants very short, I really haven't the time or energy to waste.


posted by Ilaria K. at 12:09 PM | 0 comments