Wednesday, April 26, 2006
I me mine myself wrote:

[...] along with my new website - which I plan on uploading over the weekend, or next week if I can [...]

Did yours truly upload said website over the weekend? Nope.

Did she do anything at all over the weekend, or did she spend four days in total idleness? The latter.

Will she have the time to do it this week? No.

Is she up to her neck in work? Aye.

Does anyone care at all? Doubt it.
posted by Ilaria K. at 8:21 PM | 1 comments
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Apologies for shamelessly cross-posting from my other blog, but I just had to share my joy at having paid 40 euros for a $ 400 pair of Sigerson Morrison pointy flats. Cute as a newborn puppy. I never knew how soft $ 400 leather could feel.

In other fashion news: I thought I would introduce it along with my new website - which I plan on uploading over the weekend, or next week if I can - but I just couldn't resist. Here's my very own style diary. I made my own because the real thing looks a bit tacky to me. As you can see, I've been keeping this diary for months, ever since I was still living in Bologna. But I just couldn't bring myself to make it public. Then I thought, hell, why not? everybody already thinks me a madwoman!, and so here it is.
posted by Ilaria K. at 10:36 PM | 1 comments
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Nothing here to fear
I'm just sitting around being foolish when there is work to be done
Just a hang-up call
and the quiet breathing of our Persian
we call Cajun on a Wednesday
So we go from year to year with secrets we've been keeping
Though you say you're not a Templar man
Seems as if we're circling for very different reasons
But one day the Eagle has to land
Out past the fountain a left by the station
I start the day in the usual way
Then think -- well why not --and stop for a coffee
then begin to recall things that you say
No one's at the door
You suggest a ghost, perhaps a phantom
I agree with this in part
Something is with us
I can't put my finger on -- is Thumbelina size 10 on a Wednesday --

So we go from year to year with secrets we've been keeping
Though you say you're not a Templar man
you tell me to cheer up
you suspect we're oddly even
Even still the Eagle has to land

Out past the fountain a left by the station
I start the day in the usual way
Then think -- well why not --and stop for a coffee
then begin to recall things that you say
Pluck up the courage and snap it's gone again
I start humming "When Doves Cry"
Can someone help me I think that I'm lost here
Lost in a place called
posted by Ilaria K. at 5:32 PM | 0 comments